This is a song about nothing
This is a song about nothing
you can tell it has no meaning
But that won't stop me from singing
This is a song about nothing
Stop listening, your wasting your time
Everything in this song about nothing
It rhymes rhymes rhymes
Why are you still listening?
You could listen to another track
This song is about nothing and everything it lacks
This is still a song about nothing
Just like I told you before
This song has no middle, beginning or core
Yes, core, core as in the sun
It has no middle or core since I first begun
Singing singing singing singing
This song, this song, this song
This song is too long
too long, too long,
But I don't care, don't care, don't care don't care
We sit in chairs, in chairs in chairs, in chairs
This is a song about nothing
I'm telling you, you are wasting your time
This song is really worth nothing
Not a penny, not a dime
This song is absolutely pointless
I'm sure that you know that by now