Hmmm...let me see....It is a lot to tell,there are many kinds of punk style....The main is the one adopted by sex pistols,you can see it in they're videos and if you want a more explicit image download some rancid videos they are very explicit when it comes to punk fashion.Generally it is about big boots,leather and spikey accessories....Than there are the latest trends,funky colorful ones,skate shoes,strong colors...large pants,for both girls and boys...
As for the skinheads it is all about boots,skinhead,putting your pants in your boots....if you give me an address I could send you some photos....
And another important thing is accessorizing,PIERCINGS,TATTOOS,freaky haircuts...
Representative punk bands:Sex pistols,toy dolls,ramones,joy division,Dead kennedys,Oxymoron,Casualties,.....till nowadays bands like anti flag(one of my personal favorites),rancid were pretty good...And that is about it all