For a guitar, anything will work, use bigger strings, for example .13's down in C are close to .10's
for a pedal board if you want multi-effect's i say Line6 gear
I say the Line 6 POD X3, with the Line 6 FBV footswitch, which has built in wah pedal and volume pedal, tuner, and controls the POD
or a lower version of that stuff
if you want individual pedals, this is what i use:
Pedal Pad MPS-XL-Lite Pedal Board
1) Visual Sound Visual Volume Pedal
2) Boss TU-12 Chromatic Tuner
3) Boss CS-3 Compression Pedal
3) Boss Mt-2 Metal Zone Distortion Pedal
4) Boss CE-5 Chorus Pedal
5) Boss BF-3 Flanger Pedal
6) Boss RV-5 Digital Reverb Effects Pedal
7) Boss DD-7 Digital Delay Pedal
8) DigiTech Whammy Pedal
9) Dunlop Crybaby 535Q Multi-Wah Pedal
10) MXR M-135 Smart Gate Pedal
11) Boss RC-50 Loop Station
12) MXR M-134 Stereo Chorus Pedal
its a lot of stuff, and expensive, but its an amazing set up
the pedal board itself powers 8 of the 9v's
then it also has an AC adapter that i plug a 1SPOT power adapter into it, split that 8 ways, and combine four of them into two 18v's pedals
and i play through two Krank Revolution heads and four (two each) Krankenstien cab's.
you might not need everything there (the loop station might be useless for you or stereo chorus if you don't need to play with two stacks)
but it makes a setup perfect for almost everything
for guitars i use a Gibson Explorer in C, a Fender Mustang in D, a Goldtop Les Paul in Db, a Flying V in drop D, a FirstAct in half-step down standard, and a Black Beauty Les Paul in standard