i've been taking lessons once a week from this guy since february of my freshman year. i'm going to be a senior this year. i have learned a lot, and i have practiced a lot. and i still do. i really love playing. the thing is, i get this really bad anxiety before every lesson. i DREAD my lessons. because i don't always have as much time to practice as i would like to. but i really hate my lessons. they're never as bad as i think they'll be, and since it's summer i have more practice time, but still. my mom loves that i take lessons and pays $40 a pop, and i feel horrible that i hate it so much. but next year is my senior year, and i will be so busy with my college prep stuff, and the 4 ap classes that i'm taking. i am not saying that i want to give up guitar, because i could never do that, but maybe it's time for me to quit my lessons? and if i do quit, how can i keep myself from losing focus and keep improving on my own?