Hard rock:
Hawk Neslon(The One Thing I Have Left, Bring Em Out)
Broken Yoke(Vapor, Caught in the moment)
Kutless(Strongtower, Hearts of the Innocent)
Newsboys(Who, Joy, Thrive, Breakfast, Live in Stereo, It is you, He Reigns, Wherever we go, I am Free)
Audio Adrenaline(Hands and Feet and Big House)
Third Day(You are mine)
Casting Crowns(Voice of Truth, Lifesong, Does Anybody Hear Her, Praise You In This Storm)
Building 429(The Space between Us)
Matthew West(Happy, I can’t hear you, Out of my hands)
Downhere(A better way)
RelientK(Two lefts don’t make a right album – forward motion, getting into you, mood rings)