The day they start teaching it in schools (as it will do them no good) is the day I stop paying taxes.
Ebonics Phrases - Yo - Hello
Sup? - How are you?
Dope/Dizzle - good
Off da hook/hizzle/hizza - very good
Whack/Whizzle - bad
Da Kronik - good weed
Peeps - people
Ni/Nizzle/Nizza - Man/friend
Dawg/Dizzle/Dizza - Man/friend
Beeatsh - Woman/female friend
Ho/Hizzle/Hizza - Woman/female friend
Pimp'd up/out- well dressed
Ride/Rizzle/Rizza - Car
5-0 - Police
Schlaftius Sunday 04th of September 2005 08:35:33 PM
More Ebonics Phrases - Phat - good
Fly - good
Supafly - very good
don't be trippin' - Do not be anxious (a difficult word to translate)
keepin' it real - keeping things in prespective to reality
shortiez - children
livin' it large - living a prosperous life
chicken head - ugly woman
pigeon - ugly woman
papers - money
to smoke - to shoot
to bust a cap - to shoot
Schlaftius Sunday 04th of September 2005 08:44:59 PM
Mo' Ebonikz - Crib/Krib - house
Bu - darling/girlfriend
9'z - a gun
6-Flow - Car
Crackaz/Crizzles/Crizzaz - Caucasian
Grillz - teeth
d-lo - keeping yourself unnoticed
pen - prison
gank'd - to be mugged/robbed
reprezentin' - to represent yourself or your group
Caramelicious Monday 05th of September 2005 12:02:11 AM
- Ni/Nizzle/Nizza - Man/friend
Be careful when using this word. I probably use slang everyday without even knowing it. I must say, I don't want to really go into details with the word, because I don't want to offend anyone.... I suggest you just not use it - To explain why, if you take the word "Nizza" and replace the "z" with "g"'s you will understand why. This is where the word came from, this is Westcoast slang so you probably won't hear me say this word a lot.
Some phrases that I use:
1. Check yo' self = Watch what you say or watch what you
are doing.
2. Sauced - When you embarrass someone
3. Grill - I use this word to mean Space or teeth.
-- You all up in my grill - You're in my face / You're in my space / You're too close to me, etc.
4. Eat cake / Be gone = Get lost
I don't know if Ebonics is considered a real "language" but if so, things change everyday! I myself nor my peers will ever use these phrases anymore:
1. Da bomb - (replaced with "dat hotness")
2. Fly or Superfly
There are more, but I can't think of anything right now.
Schlaftius Monday 05th of September 2005 04:01:47 AM
Nuff Eboniks - Wurd, Aaron, keep up da good work shortie.
Ay bi havin' mo wurdz fo dis here forum-on.
Bling-Bling - flash jewelery
Nasty - not good
Schlaftius Monday 05th of September 2005 04:06:16 AM
- O.G. - Origninal Gangsta
G-thang - Gangster business
to hol' sum ends - to borrow some money
Caramelicious Monday 05th of September 2005 06:11:27 AM
- Fa shizzle!
Shortie = when a guy likes a girl what he calls her :S
Imma have some mo' probly tomorra'
Schlaftius Monday 05th of September 2005 06:37:25 PM
- Fa Shiggidy, jus' keep dis here thang real.
check dis yo
Homie / Homiez - Friends
darkness - dark complexioned African-American
Uncle Tom - Submissive to Caucasians