should ghetto slang be classed as a language?
2006-11-04 04:42:08 UTC
I was just wandering if Ghetto-slang (used mostly by black people and rappers) should be made a language. I mean, an ordinary english person would only understand 70% of what rappers say in rap songs and i've seen some of the definitions of these words in and it seems to me to be totally different to English
Eighteen answers:
2006-11-04 05:19:29 UTC
Being able to understand someone is not a sign that a dialect is the same language or a different one. I can hardly understand what the Scots or Brummies say in the UK! But that doesn't mean they don't speak English.

In 1945, Max Wienreich said:

A language is a dialect with an army and a navy.

The division between dialect and language is quite thin. What one person calls a dialect, others may call a language. Generally, a variety of a language remains a dialect until it is recognized by governments (or linguists) as a language. While some have described ghetto-slang, or Ebonics, as a language, whether or not it is a language is still debated.
2006-11-04 06:19:37 UTC
It's just slang. It's a dialect/derivative of english, it's just another way to express ones self. Just because you use slang doesn't make you stupid.

Maybe you're the stupid one for not being able to understand what rappers say in their songs =P

Slang generally varies from region to region, in Britain for example english being spoken in London differs from the english being spoken in Yorkshire because of local accents and colloquialisms.

However I don't feel slang itself should be made into a language of it's own, because as I said it's JUST SLANG it's harmless, it's freely used amongst friends, relatives, acquaintances etc.

It shouldn't be used at work though because some people may feel alienated or not part of the group because they don't understand what's being spoken.

And not all black people speak "ghetto", you sir, watch too much MTV....
Andrew B.
2006-11-04 08:46:20 UTC The day they start teaching it in schools (as it will do them no good) is the day I stop paying taxes.

Ebonics Phrases - Yo - Hello

Sup? - How are you?

Dope/Dizzle - good

Off da hook/hizzle/hizza - very good

Whack/Whizzle - bad

Da Kronik - good weed

Peeps - people

Ni/Nizzle/Nizza - Man/friend

Dawg/Dizzle/Dizza - Man/friend

Beeatsh - Woman/female friend

Ho/Hizzle/Hizza - Woman/female friend

Pimp'd up/out- well dressed

Ride/Rizzle/Rizza - Car

5-0 - Police

Schlaftius Sunday 04th of September 2005 08:35:33 PM

More Ebonics Phrases - Phat - good

Fly - good

Supafly - very good

don't be trippin' - Do not be anxious (a difficult word to translate)

keepin' it real - keeping things in prespective to reality

shortiez - children

livin' it large - living a prosperous life

chicken head - ugly woman

pigeon - ugly woman

papers - money

to smoke - to shoot

to bust a cap - to shoot

Schlaftius Sunday 04th of September 2005 08:44:59 PM

Mo' Ebonikz - Crib/Krib - house

Bu - darling/girlfriend

9'z - a gun

6-Flow - Car

Crackaz/Crizzles/Crizzaz - Caucasian

Grillz - teeth

d-lo - keeping yourself unnoticed

pen - prison

gank'd - to be mugged/robbed

reprezentin' - to represent yourself or your group

Caramelicious Monday 05th of September 2005 12:02:11 AM

- Ni/Nizzle/Nizza - Man/friend

Be careful when using this word. I probably use slang everyday without even knowing it. I must say, I don't want to really go into details with the word, because I don't want to offend anyone.... I suggest you just not use it - To explain why, if you take the word "Nizza" and replace the "z" with "g"'s you will understand why. This is where the word came from, this is Westcoast slang so you probably won't hear me say this word a lot.

Some phrases that I use:

1. Check yo' self = Watch what you say or watch what you

are doing.

2. Sauced - When you embarrass someone

3. Grill - I use this word to mean Space or teeth.

-- You all up in my grill - You're in my face / You're in my space / You're too close to me, etc.

4. Eat cake / Be gone = Get lost

I don't know if Ebonics is considered a real "language" but if so, things change everyday! I myself nor my peers will ever use these phrases anymore:

1. Da bomb - (replaced with "dat hotness")

2. Fly or Superfly

There are more, but I can't think of anything right now.

Schlaftius Monday 05th of September 2005 04:01:47 AM

Nuff Eboniks - Wurd, Aaron, keep up da good work shortie.

Ay bi havin' mo wurdz fo dis here forum-on.

Bling-Bling - flash jewelery

Nasty - not good

Schlaftius Monday 05th of September 2005 04:06:16 AM

- O.G. - Origninal Gangsta

G-thang - Gangster business

to hol' sum ends - to borrow some money

Caramelicious Monday 05th of September 2005 06:11:27 AM

- Fa shizzle!

Shortie = when a guy likes a girl what he calls her :S

Imma have some mo' probly tomorra'

Schlaftius Monday 05th of September 2005 06:37:25 PM

- Fa Shiggidy, jus' keep dis here thang real.

check dis yo

Homie / Homiez - Friends

darkness - dark complexioned African-American

Uncle Tom - Submissive to Caucasians
2016-10-03 10:35:35 UTC
even nonetheless i became no longer raised interior the ghetto, some fantastically nasty language comes out of my mouth once I get offended. i became born & raised in an rich section. So, i do no longer think of it makes plenty distinction the place we grew up, yet what we've been allowed to be uncovered to via our mothers and fathers interior the starting to be technique. i think of our anger is a organic reaction to feeling threatened. Our survival instinct kicks in and we commence protection innovations, like exhibiting our solid area and unwillingness to be victimized.
Ladder Captain-29
2006-11-04 04:51:31 UTC
No, and if white people would quit trying to talk that way, act that way, and quit paying to see and or hear that BS maybe that slang would just die--- you can thank the democrats( in a resent vote ) for NOT making ENGLISH America's language-- BTW- h. clinton voted NOT to make English our language
2006-11-04 04:56:39 UTC
i think if it was in isolation, or if it was used in a country where there was not a standard language, then yes you could classify it as it's own language, but because people that speak it reside here in USA then no, because it is really only a dialect of English
2006-11-04 04:49:29 UTC
i use slang 24-7 with my mates but if it dont help u get a job then no it shouldnt be a language.
2006-11-04 04:58:01 UTC
No because it isn't a language. It sounds stupid and if those who talk like that want a job they won't get one. I know white teens who talk that way because they think it's cool. Apparently they don't realize how it makes them sound. They also complain because they can't get a job.
2006-11-04 04:57:09 UTC
no - it' a dialect - it's sometimes hard to understand English from other countries, like Australia or Ireland, but it's still English
2006-11-04 04:46:19 UTC
in california, some schools teach ebonics as a second language course
2006-11-04 04:46:47 UTC
Your confusing the retarted real world with whats really going on!

You have no say in it anyway and should enjoy your cult status.

Best answer?
2006-11-04 04:46:36 UTC
yes it should because people talk it just like people speak spanish so it is a language
Caribbean Blue
2006-11-04 04:44:33 UTC
Yes- it should be taught in schools. Especially Catholic schools. I'm just kidding. Maybe it's them who should be learning English.
nαrcíssα [misses being a TC]
2006-11-04 05:18:06 UTC
more like a dialect
2006-11-04 04:45:22 UTC
No, I don't think we should loan any type of recognition or credibility to uneducated people glorifying violence.
2006-11-04 04:50:05 UTC
no. i agree, it's these people who should learn to speak english.
2006-11-04 04:51:52 UTC
2006-11-04 04:51:25 UTC
No, it should be discouraged.

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