Classical music reccomendations? From current listeners of Classical only!?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Classical music reccomendations? From current listeners of Classical only!?
Five answers:
Orch Dork
2007-02-05 15:53:42 UTC
For violin I would recommend Tchaikovsky violin concertos.

III.Finale. Allegro Vivacissimo is one of my favorites.I only listen to classical music and opera especially Joshua Bell.

I would also recommend Puccini: O Mio Babbino Caro it is very pretty it is a romantic violin piece.
2007-02-04 20:00:41 UTC
You should get into Beethoven, although it sounds like you already may be.

Possibly my fav composer of piano music is Rachmaninov (sometimes spelled Rachmaninoff)

Another great is Chopin.

If you like Bach and you like piano music, you must get Glenn Gould's 1981 version of the Goldberg Variations. Gramophone magazine called it the greatest classical music recording EVER!

A while back I got into a seldom heard/played composer named Charles Alkan. You should pick up his Grand Sonata. Look for it at I might say that this is the best solo piano music of all time - certainly of the romantic period. You said you like "sweeping piano music"... this is totally that.

You should also pick up the recordings of Vladimir Horowitz. He's always wonderfull.

Happy listening!
2007-02-03 07:19:51 UTC
I'd like to give you reccomendations for piano songs.. Chopin and Liszt are my favorite from the Romantic Period.. Some of my favorite songs :

Chopin :

Fantasie Impromptu

Funeral March

Nocturne Op 9 No 2

Waltz Op 69 no 1

Actually, I love all of his piano works inc His Etudes and Polonaises

Liszt :

Memphisto Waltz

Hungarian Rhapsody No2

Liebestraum no 3

Etude Concerto No 2 & 3
Mike S
2007-02-03 04:28:14 UTC
Ok so for the Piano you have Beethovens Moonlight sonata. no 14...and for the Violin you have.... Bruchs violin concerto no 1....if you really like Classical music give this a try....Rhapsody on a theme by Paganini.....or Handels Water music...I can go on and on but i wont..happy listening to you...
2007-02-05 14:19:03 UTC
I think you'd like these violin and piano pieces:

Beethoven Violin Sonatas # 5 ("Spring Sonata") and 9 ("Kreutzer Sonata")

Mozart Piano Sonatas - if you buy a set of all of them, I guarantee you'll love listening to them whenever you're relaxing. If you don't want to shell out however much it costs for the set, just get a CD with a few of them. My favorite is Sonata #9 In D, KV 311 played by Eschenbach.

Bach Double Violin Concerto in D minor

The 4th movement of Cesar Franck's Violin Sonata is very famous and very beautiful.

Also, if you like simpler-sounding textures I'd recommend getting a couple of string quartet recordings, like Mozart or Haydn:

Haydn: String Quartet #62 In C, Op. 76/3, H 3/77, "Emperor" - the second movement of this is really pretty

Mozart String Quartet no 14 in G major, K 387 "Spring" and String Quartet no 15 in D minor, K 421

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