2013-10-19 08:07:35 UTC
In the way I'm going to explain my problem I will be saying one sentence, and it wont necessarily be a question but don't assume that I understand what I'm saying and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. The next sentence will be related to the previous so as to make it easy for you to read and understand.
It seems to me that music theory is all a bunch of patterns, at least when it comes to learning chords anyway. But the patterns doesn't always seem to follow.
By that I mean if a triad is major, the 3rd is major, if the triad is minor, the 3rd is minor.
When a chord calls for an augmentation, you raise the note the chord asks you to raise by one half step. Such as C augmented, you raise the 5th one half step.
Couldn't that be called C major augmented 5th?
Unless maybe it means when a chord doesn't specify the actual note you should augment, the musician should automatically augment the 5th as a rule.
When a chord calls for a diminished note, you lower the note the chord asks you to lower by one half step. Such as C diminished, you lower the 3rd and the 5th by one half step.
Couldn't that be called C minor diminished 5th?
Unless maybe it means when a chord doesn't specify the actual note you should diminish, the musician should automatically diminish the 3rd and the 5th as a rule.
But if diminished is the opposite of augmented, C augment has only one raised note, and C diminished has two.
Shouldn't they both have one or two notes to raise or lower? Why doesn't C augmented raise the 3rd and the 5th like how a C diminshed lowers the 3rd and the 5th. Or why doesn't C diminished lower only the 5th like how a C augmented only raised the 5th?
I understand the concept of having double flats or sharps in a key signature such as the key of G#.
G#, A#, B#, C#, D#, E#, F##, G#.
Why is a diminished 7th chord have a Bbb? Why can't it just be called C diminished 6? Or C diminished add 6? What chord is a C, Eb, Gb, and B?
Why is it when a minor chord has an extended interval such 7th, 9th, 11th, or 13th, you only minor the 3rd and the 7th. Such as C minor 9th. You minor the 3rd because its a C minor, but why do you minor the 7th? And why isnt the 9th minored? Shouldn't it be C, Eb, G, B, Db?
I realize its a lot to ask and a lot for you to explain, but your time and effort would mean so much to me. Thank you.