I'm 15 male and I like oldies music?
2015-04-09 16:46:56 UTC
I've felt this way for a long time and I'm genuinely embarrassed about especially since I don't talk about it often and I'm 15... I'm not too different from the other students and all I'm fairly popular but something that I feel alone about is the music I like, which is 50s-70s music. I just like the way it sounds that's all... Most of the other kids are listening to rap music and I don't know I just really like older music because it doesnt talk about any of the stuff it talks about today (which is a good the lol)... Is this dumb of me? Should I just try and fit in?
61 answers:
2015-04-09 19:57:02 UTC
Im 16 and I listen to oldies, 50's to 90's, i love it and it's so real compared to some music now. don't feel embarrassed! you shouldn't be ashamed of what music you like, you like it for a reason! it's not about trying to fit in, if the music makes you happy and you enjoy it, then carry on! you shouldn't feel pressured in 'being like everyone else'. Personally, i think it's awesome that you like old music, it would be cool if more people did to be honest!
ραιηт тнє ѕку~
2015-04-10 19:42:15 UTC
No never conform. I love the golden oldies music especially 50's-60's. I recommend listening to the Golden Oldies Radio channel on Pandora. I like The Beach Boys and Jersey Boys. Ilike oldies music because I think it's more classic and romantic. The lyrics actually mean something and it's not as fast paced. I love golden oldies maybe if you have pandora you could follow me. @ Jeanatte Hkm.
2015-04-10 10:14:38 UTC
It's completely cool - I'm 18 and I listen to music from the 1500s to the present day! It's great how more and more people these days are listening to older and more music, given the vast access we have to it :)

Even if the music isn't necessarily good in someone's opinion, most people should appreciate the craft and creativity of any artist or genre, considering the work that goes into composing and production. The production of modern music these days is incredible, and in fact a lot of modern day hip-hop artists listen to and take samples from the very era you're talking about!

So it's not dumb, it's actually quite cultured, and maybe you could introduce this music to people :)
2015-04-09 17:10:20 UTC
I'm like you but i'm 28 currently. I always like the oldie music from the 60s, 70s. I have tons in my ipod. I usually wouldn't listen to them when i was around my friends. Now that i'm 28 i don't care.

Also, i like the music of today as well and listen to it. It is just that the oldies 60s,70s had something more pure to them; They feel simple and pure to me; They definitely bring me something that today's music doesn't (even though i like it as well).

You can like everything you want; The brain has enough space so i'd say enjoy the music you want. I actually make beat for fun and just finished a beat that's inspired from oldies/. Check it out.

I have another one that i made, just haven't posted on youtube yet.
2015-04-11 09:13:08 UTC
I'm just like that! LOL! I'm 17 and I appreciate music from the 70s, 80s, 90s and early 2000s. Don't feel awkward at all. If that's what you like, that's what you like. Trust me a lot of the music today sounds the same and is very provocative and inappropriate anyways.
2015-04-11 21:36:33 UTC
Oldies are the only way to go. I like the 1970's , 1980's , 1990's & somewhat of the 200's , but not too far in. But , the music of today totally sucks. Everyone sounds the same is is singing & re-making all the songs that someone else has already sung. Plus , the rap music of today sounds all the same too. Same really super slow tempo rap beat music. I hate rap music of today. The 1980's & 1990's rap music is the best. Rap music needs a wake up call & needs to go back to it's roots & bring back rap beats you can actually dance to & not this geriatric down tempo twerking dancing mess that is going on these days. Rap used to be good, but since everyone is into the super slow rap music doing the super slow tempo'ed rap music dances , then it's getting boring & it all sounds the same & mundane. I don't buy any new music anymore because it is all terribly sucky music. Nothing , but 20's somethings are on the airwaves now anyways. Music used to be real good to listen to , but now it's real terrible. Music has gone down hill into a terrible direction.
2015-04-10 15:13:36 UTC
I'm 18 and I listen to a lot of rock/metal music from the 70's, 80's and the 90's \m/
2015-04-16 13:18:46 UTC
Time and dates are just numbers, when it comes the music, it's the quality that matters, not the age. I'm a 13 year old girl and I like acoustic pop /country/singer songwriter sort if stuff frm the modern day, but I agree, all this autotuned rapping is horrible! I adore classical music even more, and think about how old that is! I pratically fangirl over violinists and gasp and become really excited when I hear an orchestra. It's fine, we need a diverse range of music taste to stop all the autotuned rapping taking over!
2015-04-09 19:55:50 UTC
The only way to know they are your true friends are them don't mind you listen to any music. There are some popular people that don't losten to mainstream. I don't think different taste of music will affect anyone. Everyone have different interests and nothing is wrong with that. I'm 14 and I listen to Michael Jackson and some of his music people never heard of cause it was decades ago. And I have a friend and she don't listen to main stream music. I mostly listen to popular music and Michael Jackson and my friend is not into music we heard of now. But we are still best friends. I don't think your friends would care about you like different stuff and they would still be your friends. Everyone is different. Don't try to copy as the others, cause that is not yourself.
2015-04-09 17:24:15 UTC
It's not dumb. If you like alternative rock, check out A Perfect Circle. They're a great band. Anyway, I'm the same age as you and I probably sound really bratty and teenage-y when I say this but just listen to whatever you like, eh?
2015-04-09 16:49:45 UTC
There's nothing wrong with that man.

When I was 15 I was listening to 70's and 80's music, and it was the year 2000.

I now have a record player and I listen to all sorts of music from the 40's - 80's. I'll listen to newer music, but it doesn't peak my interest. There's a whole different kind of soul in music back then. Monkees, Beatles, Mama and Papas, Jefferson Starship...

My oldest record is from 1939 I think.

This is before all that stupid 'hipster' crap. Let the music define you, let it be a part of you :) Don't hide it man, it just shows your sophistication compared to the others who'd rather listen to that cut-up spam garbage they call music.

Here's something fun to do:

Go to a thrift store / GoodWill, find yourself a beat up record player (that works), and then go digging around their $0.25 bins and nab a few. A lot of those records are from 50's-80's and hey, for $1.00, you just got 4 records to listen to! It's a fun and cheap way to collect music and listen to folks you've never even heard of before. I've collected some music which is no longer in print anymore and I can't find it anywhere, but man some of the music is just amazing!

Funny story --

When I was in college, I hung my record collection up, they were all the weird / obscure records. My dorm was a "tour" dorm, which was a dorm for prospective people to look at and see what the dorms look like.

One day a father and son walk into my dorm, they look around to see how the dorm looks like. The son looks up to see all of my records trimming the top of the dorm and he nudges his dad and says, "Hey dad! Isn't that your band?!" The father looks up and sees his only vinyl album he ever released and he wept. He thought it went into obscurity forever. I took the vinyl down and asked him politely if he could sign it. the man was just beaming with excitement. We sat down and talked about his band and how much I loved his album he released. He was so happy, I think I might have inspired him again...

This is them:
The Wolf of Riggs
2015-04-17 07:51:38 UTC
Thats the best thing about majority of music today, its all designed for clubs or purely hook upon hook upon hook to death and gets old really fast. So it turns people on to older music and different forms. I love the 70s, 80s, classic rock and some pop scene. I also really like bands that take after the old pop style like counting crows, Gin Blossoms, Dave Matthews, etc. The 90s Alt would most likely be your flavor as well. Especailly if you like some of the late 50s early 60s beginning blues into rock n roll movement. An odd off branch you may want to try is also bands like Passion Pit, M83, and other such things. I reccomend Pandora Station "Carried Away" (song) to try out this. It is very different from probably anything around but It seems a lot of Classic Rock listeners seem drawn to enjoy a good portion of that style of music as well from my friends and I s experience.
old man on the hill
2015-04-09 17:24:13 UTC
stand your ground. nothing wrong with liking 50s-70s music - the 50s were the birth of rock, the 60s and 70s the golden age. but then I'm an old fart. I was around for the birth and all of the changes that have occurred since then. some of them good, some not so good. if haven't listened to them yet check out my favorite band, the grateful dead
2015-04-11 13:08:06 UTC
Everyone likes different things. Listen to whatever music you want to music taste isn't anything that you should be judged on that would be ridiculous. I'm the same age as you and oldies music is great
2015-04-11 11:27:05 UTC
I LOVE OLDIES OMG. My parents would play their music in the car when we go for road trips and it's so much fun. P.S. I'm 17 and a female and sing the songs to my friends. Who cares what other people think. Be yourself, don't be embarrassed :)
2015-04-10 13:43:29 UTC
While I'm not big on oldies, myself, I do think that you should never try to fit in like that. Changing who you are so people will like you will only hurt your own happiness, trust me. I didn't try to fit in, but I felt like I needed to make others happy at the cost of my own happiness. This caused me to suffer from depression for about 8 years now, and now I'm just starting to see the harm I've done, and trying to correct it, but it's taken months to even start changing my behavior. Never worry about fitting in, or changing your behavior for other people, it isn't worth it!
2015-04-10 08:43:53 UTC
I have a lot of friends who listen to different kinds of music, and different ages.

You know how cool it is if it's a musician doing it? (And even cooler if somebody's not a musician and listens to it anyways despite what people say.) Plenty of artists out there listen to everything. K$sha listened to a lot of Led Zeppelin. In interviews, she has a lot of praise for them. Meghan Trainor really admires Frank Sinatra and tries to make her music a similar idea to his songs. Brian Setzer became popular in the 80s but he was listening to mostly 50s rockabilly when he was younger. He revived rockabilly in the early 1980s and then collaborated big band with a distorted electric guitar, with that rockabilly rhythm behind it. He brought back swing. By the way, awesome comedian Norm MacDonald listens to older country music than his generation was into. Also imagine this. If everybody thought how you thought. Even those classical composers that you see on television composing Mozart's music, Beethoven's, Rachminoff's, Chopin's, Bach's, or Vivaldi's music? What would happen to them? They may not do this amazing work. What would have happened to John Williams making the coolest movie soundtracks ever? (Examples are Star Wars, Harry Potter, Jaws, Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones, E.T., Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, Seven Years in Tibet, and a lot more.) He obviously was influenced by classical music.

Remember, the society you are under (your high school) is a cesspool of people trying to find themselves, following a system that they chose to be slaves under. Everybody is doing that. That whole thing is an illusion. It doesn't matter in the real world of adults. When it's all over, that system will be nothing but ancient history for you. You will be in college and people will look at you like an idiot smoking marijuana in the hallways of college or whatever dumb things that are picked up from high school. What I'm trying to say is, most people there are solely thinking about their education more than in high school. Everybody accepts you! There are no such things as jocks anymore. Those guys are face down on the floor after the competition of trying to get into the National League as best as they could, and only a few can usually go! It's like a crowd all running for a door instead of single file to escape a fire.

There's a lot of issues that you run into being someone you're not. Throwing a rock at a policeman's car window in the middle of the night. Your excuse is because of peer pressure. Another example is trying out drugs when you don't want to. Your fear is being rejected by people who are probably not going to make it to a successful life in college. You'll meet them some years later and they'll be living with their mom or something. They're gonna be overweight or unemployed and they're gonna look at you in so much admiration. And they're gonna say they were very stupid in high school and maybe laugh about it. Most of each person is under an illusion cause they have to stay there. Remember, you are SOMEBODY. Respect yourself. You are not a slave to somebody's thoughts, especially somebody who may prove useless in the future. These people that you have to see everyday are people that bring their problems onto others, and they MAKE this society.

By the way, I'm 19 and when I fell in love with music, it was 60s music and I further explored. Music kept me going. I was sad and depressed and drugged up with focusing medication ever since third grade. I don't know how I'll be here today without it. But nothing wrong with it. 50s, 60s, and 70s are great. Cheap Trick, Uriah Heap (3rd when it comes to hardest rocking bands of the 70s with Black Sabbath and Zeppelin), Bread, Ricky Nelson, Otis Redding, The Del Vikings, The Crew Cuts, Beatles, Beach Boys, Marshall Tucker Band, Johnny Rivers, Frank Sinatra, The Who, T. Rex, Jerry Lee Lewis, The Monkees, Dave Clark Five, The Cars, Carl Perkins, John Denver, Blondie, Mountain, Edgar Winter Group, Thin Lizzy, Rosemary Clooney, The Clash, Bee Gees, The Eagles, The Byrds, Jefferson Airplane, Steve Miller Band, Bob Marley and The Wailers, Bobby Darin, Elton John. Did I get some of them right? Also, I put in some other guys that you may not have heard of so it will help you expand.
2015-04-10 09:10:49 UTC
You are one of a kind, you should be proud. I would suggest you stay updated with what's new and happening and that's that. No need of trying to blend in. Very few songs today capture the magic of the oldies and you feel that magic which is awesome. Just be confident of what you like.

For you

2015-04-09 20:02:26 UTC
Oldies freaking rock. Im 16 and it's awesome. Do not try in fit in. Be you. When everyone else is listening to the newest things. Keep it alive
2015-04-13 00:35:20 UTC
I'm 18 and I listen to Pink Floyd. Don't feel bad about music choices.
2015-04-09 17:03:14 UTC
You're steeping your ears in the roots and influence of todays musicians. By immersing yourself in the music of yesterday, you're understanding the direction of which people came and where they are heading. Folk and Americana music is known for going back to roots. Artists like Buffalo Springfield, the Byrds, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, Flying Burrito Brothers, Poco. Thats where the acoustic "hipster" trend is drawing from. Study the music you're listening to now and you'll be ahead of the curve when it comes to your peers.
2015-04-10 23:14:52 UTC
There is amazing music from all ages and all genres.

It is comman for for people to adjust to the music that is currently on the radio, and not bother to explore anything else. It is also comman for people to either be a little embassed/nervouse about listening to things that are not the current , big popular things, because most people naturally want to fit in with everyone else. But there is so much amazing stuff out there, you should just dive in, explore it, tell every one you know so they can try it to. Its so easy now, you dont even half to buy 60 cds just to see if you like somthing. Dont lett a little bit of embarressment. or even a little joking from freinds or familly stop you from doing what makes you happy.
2015-04-12 00:01:31 UTC
I Am 9, And I Grew Up with That Music, Then Turned To Pop, And Now I Can Only Stand That Kind Of Music.
2015-04-11 07:58:07 UTC
I'm 13 and I like old music like you do. If you like that stuff then that's you're thing. Don't try to change what you like just for them. Be unapologetically you.
2015-04-12 12:06:40 UTC
Listen to what you like. If they don't accept you because they can't accept that you have a different taste in music, they aren't your friends. Be proud of what you like!
2015-04-12 11:32:39 UTC
They aren't cultured enough to understand oldies music.
2015-04-09 16:49:09 UTC
Why are you embarrassed? When I was your age I started listening to and fell in love with music from the 50s..and classical music too..

You like what you like...there's no shame in that.

If you try to fit in, you'll just be lying to yourself.
2015-04-10 13:56:25 UTC
There's no problem with old music. I personally hate the noise of rap and pop and all the digitized stuff. But that's just me.
2015-04-11 09:07:02 UTC
So what, it's not dumb, it's actually quite cultured, and maybe you could introduce this music to people.Everyone is different. Don't try to copy as the others, cause that is not yourself.
2015-04-11 12:30:03 UTC
Im 15 too- I like rap but theres nothing wrong with classical music

Did you know ppl who listen to classic music are smarter in general

as oppose to ppl who listen to fricken lil wayne lmao

I think it's cool u like classic music, ur smart probably :)
2015-04-10 23:16:44 UTC
There is nothing wrong about liking a certain type of music. Im young, and i love Bee Gees, David Bowie, and Frankie Valli! Haha, dont let anyone say you cant like a genre of music.

Have a lovely day

~Emilee <3
2015-04-10 14:59:56 UTC
Well, before I was a born again christian I loved the old music. They have more quality in it.

Not cussing and saying everything dirty. No violence in it. There was such a richness in them.

I don't miss it because being a christian I no longer desire it as then, but I know it is classy and rich..
2015-04-12 03:42:28 UTC
Why would you be embarrassed about the music that you like? You like what you like. If your friends try to tell you that it's somehow wrong to like older music, or to choose for yourself, or to think for yourself, they're wrong!
2015-04-11 10:08:34 UTC
im a 15 year old girl and i love classic rock, i dont listen to as much as i do modern rock but its something that i love a lot. i don't see anything wrong with it. and a lot of people at the school i go to listen to rap which i find trashy, so i dont listen to it, dont change yourself and do something you dont like to fit in. theres nothing wrong with liking older music
2015-04-10 02:15:39 UTC
Yeah I like oldies too and im an 18 year old girl so its cool :)
2015-04-12 03:26:21 UTC
Ya know... I used to try to make myself like the current music a lot more than I actually did. I would actually BUY songs on iTunes that I thought were kinda catchy but wasn t crazy about JUST cuz they were popular and the "cool kids" liked them at school. Ridiculous. I had the best time just listening to older music esp classic rock with my mom blasting loud in the car!!!!!!
2015-04-10 06:12:10 UTC
nothing wrong with that,i like all sorts of music,from classical to kpop,and some of my friends think it's weird ,but I don't sound like a cool kid.
2015-04-11 02:04:55 UTC
You are perfectly normal! I listen to ABBA which is in the 70's and some of my friends find me weird for this but guess what, it was MY choice and not THEIR choice! :) You should do the same! It's not your friends' choice but your choice and who cares if it's old, it's still music! :)
2015-04-10 16:25:59 UTC
Nope. No reason to stop listening to something you enjoy because you want to be like everyone else. Beatles forever! I'm fourteen.
2016-11-15 20:34:36 UTC
Bro, you sound so much like me I can't believe it! I've never met anyone who likes or knows my music either!
2015-04-09 18:26:39 UTC
Yeah I like oldies too and im an 18 year old girl so its cool :)
2015-04-11 06:54:52 UTC
Dude, be yourself. Old music is awesome. **** trying to fit in. That's my biggest regret about highschool.
2015-04-09 18:57:39 UTC
Not to come off disrespectful, but if your friends are actually your friends, they wont discriminate against you for liking different music then them. Nothing to be embarrassed about liking different music. If people actually ridicule you for liking different music, those are the kind of people that are going to grow up to be people no one wants to be around. I d stick to your guns man, and openly listen to the music you love, because at the end of the day you will end up with the people who like you regardless of the kind of music you like. Those people that like you as you are will be the ones that turn in to true friends.
No Non Destination
2015-04-09 16:48:45 UTC
Listen to "Genevieve" by Grand Funk Railroad, it's on line.
2015-04-11 13:49:09 UTC
listen to whatever you want, most of the songs I like my friends have never even heard of, you don't have to listen to types of music just because other people like it.
2015-04-10 13:10:39 UTC
How about something from even earlier... ...good music stands the test of time. This crap today won't last out a year...
2015-04-12 05:25:07 UTC
Im 15 and listen to the angels, cold chisel, guns n roses, kim wyld, acdc.
2015-04-12 10:26:36 UTC
Hey girl,you will be dumb if you try to fit in,yes,Nobody can rule you,if you like something and someone annoy you,say to him take cara of own business.
2015-04-10 13:59:15 UTC
NO. I'm 13 and the same. BE YOURSELF!
2015-04-11 22:58:45 UTC
Excellent taste in music :)
2015-04-11 21:41:34 UTC
dont be embarrassed1 im 16 girl and love it too and have for 3 years now
2015-04-10 22:54:41 UTC
No! Everyone has there own preferences in music.
2015-04-13 17:44:30 UTC
me too!! I m 15 female
2015-04-11 19:09:10 UTC
well why not, from pas years bob seger, the who, the guess who,, Delaney and bonnie , allman brothers, the stones, beatles, Alvin lee and ten years after. boz scaggs. joe walsh and so many more
2015-04-10 14:09:03 UTC
Oldies are the best music....!!
2015-04-11 08:46:51 UTC
Good listener.
2015-04-10 17:33:46 UTC
I, and millions of others are with you brother.
2015-04-09 20:36:04 UTC
you love what you love! Embrace your differences!!
John Ibe
2015-04-10 18:45:34 UTC
i recommend this for you!
2015-04-19 08:20:43 UTC
yes the good stuff.
2015-04-10 21:28:37 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.