What do you think of this song i wrote abouta bad relationship?
2008-11-03 07:14:07 UTC
your probably thinking htis is lame but i recently came out of a RELI bad relationship and thought id write a song about it. sooo here ot is.
i just wanna know what you think of it and dont worry, im not gonna end up doind suicide of something. it just helps me get all the frustration and pain out of me

This guy was my everything
But all along he was after one thing
I gave my whole life up for him
And let him just stick it in
Not thinking about what I was doing
Said he was showing me some loving
Being an idiot I believed him
Always said he would be my king
How could I have believed his bullshit?

Verse 1
Now I know how much I’ve messed up
Just look at everything I’ve done
Let him use me for his own fun
Over and over, him saying it was love
How could I have been so dumb?
Lying to friends, even my own mum
Just to cover my late night mistakes
Sleeping around with that one big fake
He has taken everything he could ever take
I gave up everything just for his sake
How did I manage to fall for his lies?
All I can do now is sit down and cry

Verse 2
it’s too late to take back what I’ve done
The heart that loved him has turned all numb
And now I don’t care about anything anymore
All he ever did was make me so sore
Bit by bit I was becoming his whore
I loved him so much I could never ignore
I listened to everything he told me to do
I even sucked off the other two
He was the only one who got that close to me
Keeping him beside me was my duty
Blinded by his fake love, I could never see
Why he was really staying with me

Verse 3
I don’t see much point of living this life
Because for him, everything was sacrificed
I gave up everything for that one guy
How could I have been so blind
All he ever wanted was my body
And to put that thing of his inside me
People told me he wasn’t the right kind of guy
I loved him so much I believed they were lies
Then I began to realize things about him
He only called me when he needed a fling
And one day he brought over his friends
And that’s when I realized what I really meant

Verse 4
I don’t know what I should do about it all
I still love him and can never let him fall
I know I was nothing more that a hoe to him
But that doesn’t changed how I feel about him
Should I take a knife and put an end to all this
Now the truth’s in front of me, I was never his
He just used me night after night after night
He made me feel that what he did was right
He told me that me and him were meant to be forever
Fooling me? He really didn’t have to be that clever
My life is officially all over now
I’ve done the worst, can’t face anyone now
Nine answers:
2008-11-03 07:23:38 UTC
lyrics pretty nice

how about singing this song & posting it on youtube & then asking what others think about it

trust me its even more useful to get the frustration & pain out

otherwise it wont be a song but poetry
2008-11-03 07:44:51 UTC
Original. I don't think I've heard many songs that are this blunt about some men using people. Bit dark and depressing but could work with the right music.

Hope you don't really mean anything like 'Should I take a knife and put an end to all this' or 'My life is officially all over now' because honey he was so NOT worth it and you have so much ahead of you.
2016-05-25 19:42:25 UTC
Mother by Pink Floyd Family Portrait by Pink, haha both pink Papa don't Preach by Madonna Hell is for Children by Pat Bernard Nineteenth Nervous Breakdown by the Rolling Stones Jamie's Got A Gun by Aerosmith She's Leaving Home by the Beatles
2008-11-03 07:26:18 UTC
Sounds like the bitter rantings of someone who couldn't take control of a situation.
2008-11-03 07:24:39 UTC
Thats some good wordplay......but u know how much of it is true....

so as for that line about still loving him.......GET YOURSELF STRAIGHT GIRL.........the geezer sounds like a complete c**t!!!!
2008-11-03 07:25:17 UTC
YOU and millions of other women have been down that road, get over him and onto the next,
2008-11-03 07:23:52 UTC
yeah i think its good. Don't let the pr*ck get u down!! :)
2008-11-03 07:32:39 UTC
Sob Sob, a tearjerker if ever i,ve seen one !!!!
2008-11-03 07:22:30 UTC
not bad, not bad at all.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.