Ok. So I'll be the first to say the Justin Bieber isn't exactly the most original hit to come along in the last few years (He's basically what Aaron Carter was in the 90's), but you have to look at it like this: NOONE in the whole wide world has ever done an original thing EVER! Not even Third Eye Blind. Whether they are inspired by something, or it's just a coincidence, one artist can only be so original.
I don't really like Justin Bieber either, but I'm going to quote NigaHiga ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r56jqb-fWVM ) on this one (not a direct quote, but basically what he said.) :
Don't praise him like he's a god because he's not, and don't treat him like he's Chris Brown, he isn't! He's done nothing wrong!
I find that people shouldn't over react to **** like this....
Because it might just come back and bite you....LIKE THIS:
New Kids On The Block did a song called "Never Let You Go" also in 1994....Third Eye Blind didn't release theirs until 1999...did they copy? did they do it on purpose?
Probably not.
Don't get me wrong, I like Third Eye Blind and I don't really like Justin Bieber, but I find overreactions such as this one obnoxious and just an overdone attempt at nonconforming.
No offense. I have lots of friends like you and know lots of people just like all of you also....the way people hate him and the way people praise him make me almost equally sick...