I wouldn't say great music is dead, just that the genre of whats considered 'good music' has definitely gone down hill as the years have passed.
Im 18 and love hard/heavy rock, metal and some techno.
Favourite bands are Disturbed ,Rammstein, Linkin Park and so on.. and of course Scorpions (which im guessing you may be familiar with going back to the 70's era) - legendary band.
Im also into some oldies because there are good songs from the 70's onwards.
Stepping into the year 2000, nowadays all you hear on the radio (i never listen to the radio, CD's all the way for me because i cant stand the music it plays) is just crap music. Its all music that sounds that same or its either rap, hip hop etc all of that so called 'music'. What gets me is that people actually like it!!! (despite the fact the music is probably most produced by a computer).
In my eyes, a great/good band is a band that can play live and sound the same as on the records (if not better.. cough cough Disturbed and Scorpions).
Music just seems to be changing along with society and is just one of those things. Over 99% of music i would dislike, and im a big music fan i cant live without it.
Wouldn't surprise me if i played the triangle while tapping sticks together, put it on a cd and made millions out of it. Basically the same as what so proclaimed 'artists' are doing these days. yeah they my be called 'artists' but doesn't mean there work is any good.
Long live great TRUE music. And people please, understand the true meaning of what music is before you go calling so called 'artists' good because theres a big difference between music and crap.
anyways yeah, ur not going tone deaf dont worry lol