Tokio Hotel Family: Is this person serious?
Emily C
2009-11-28 03:32:10 UTC
I'm kinda....idk, scared in a way.

I just got this message from someone & i don't know if they were being serious or not.

From: ...

Subject: Need i say more?

Message: You and your little Tokio Hotel Family better watch out. I don't care if you think this is a joke because it isn't.

If you continue to ask stupid questions I will report you, I will also report them and send them nasty messages as I’m going to do to you.

You are a sneaky little bi*ch and I hope your world gets ripped into pieces. You and your little friends fantasies of this band is stupid and idiotic.

If I knew where all you people lived I would hurt you, all of you; especially you. You seem like the leader of this little group and you should be severely punished and hurt. I don't care if you're a 15 year old girl. I would hurt you. I'd beat you unconscious if I had the chance because you, you need a reality check. I want to hurt you, badly.

I despise you, I despise your friends, and I despise Tokio Hotel.

......What do i do? This person is freaking me out, i thought it was a reply from Pia when i saw i had received a message & i click it & this pops up? .....Idk what to do! I'm....i' hands are shaking :[
I never get scared but that kinda freaked me out.
I've never gotten a message like this. I've gotten a few like "Tokio Hotel suck" but this is different.

Poll: Have you ever gotten a message like this? What would you do?
35 answers:
2009-11-28 12:43:43 UTC
This is so them to yahoo right now, we all need to. there is no reason any of us need to be harrassed, I really don't give half a flying f**k if you don't like the questions. You don't control people and their interests and never will. They're threatening all of us and these people need to stop NOW. (and I'm sure they didn't hack your account..they're prob too lame on a comp to ever be able to figure out how to do that. They prob just read back on some of your answers and saw that you asked her to reply or something like that.) Don't be scared because they will not and cannot do anything. It's a little something called the law system that protects us from people who NEED to be locked up like this. Just stay calm, and don't reply to their messages. Blocking them is a good start. If it never stops then maybe you should talk to your parents about it or even call the police. That's a drastic step but this is against the law what their doing.
2009-11-28 08:37:56 UTC
Don't worry girly. It's just another troll who obviously hates Tokio Hotel with a passion. There is no way they know where you live. Y!A doesn't allow that cuz of their safety policy.

Plus if this dumbass even dares to touch you, which will never happen, or even keeps doing this my brother works for the secret service and president and has connections with powerful people who work with internet safety so if this person continues they are screwing themselves over and going to get charges put against them. It's happened before. And if this arschgesicht does know where u live, which they can't, then there is always the police. Yeah it's a little drastic but they do it to online preditors. Plus what ur experiencing is just another cyber bully . And when it comes to cyber-bullies the police and such take it seriously. This person is just a low life with too much time on their hands. No one else seems to care or even notice these questions. I'll help u report the creep. And if this idiot keeps sending these empty threats to all of us then they are stupid. It's what, 50 people against 1? haha. Don't worry, we all have ur back. They don't know u, could even be a sibling or relative. Don't let them control u or show ur scared. That's what they want.


Yeah on YouTube and on Y!A. But it was out of no where. There username was "Imanasshole" or something supposively threatining like that, cuz they were trying to piss people off. At first I was freaked out but then again, it's not like they will ever know who I am. They pretend. They have a lonely life and are probably neglacted pathetic souls. Seriously, who over the age of 25 would even have time for threats or trolling around the internet? Someone living with their mother or has no friends or social life what so ever. First off, sending them back threatening messages only makes it worse. They wan't that. They want argument. But then when i added humor or didn't even respond they got bored or offended and it irritated them so then the ball was back in my court..

Just remember people are more bold when they are on the internet. They act like a big guy on here when in reality they are lil pussyss that have psychological problems. Wouldn't be surprised if this person was a nerd. Whatever u do don't stop asking questions, it's ur right, it's ur points. Stay strong, we luv ya :)
Black Rose
2009-11-28 09:36:00 UTC
Block the person right now.

That way they can't see any of your questons or contact you at all.

No need to be scared of them. They're just a bully and they can't actually hurt you.

Just tell us what the name of the person is so we can all block him/her, or if you don't want to...message me the name....and I'LL take care of this person. Because...I have an agressive side...and the agressive side LOVES dealing with people like this. Plus I've got to stick up for my favorite band and the TH Family right?


Actually! Jilly is right.

we dont' need to be sending threatening messages back. It's best to just completely ignore this person's exsistance all together.

Just post the person's name so we can all block him. That will make the person more angry than anything, because then we are untouchable :D Mwahahaha!


Lol, I was scrolling up to read the previous answers on this question and there is an ad against Cyber Bullying on the page. Anyone else think that's a little wierd? Haha.
*-Leftöver Crack-*
2009-11-28 03:47:18 UTC

There Not Seriousss.

There Just Saying that

To Make You Madd And Scaree You.

I Doubt They Cann Do Anythinggg.

And Iam Gettting Sicck of Theseee

Stupid TokioHoteeel Hater's v_v

Andd If You Want Revenge You Shouldd

Tell The Police About Thiss Threatening Message you


And Then They'll Track Theem Down and Theey Bee


Forr Noww Just Try To Calm Down.

And Relax Forr Noww.

Andd You Shouldn't Open It To Many Timeess

Because it Could Be A Virrriuss So it Might Desstrroy

Yourr Computer.Dx

Goodd Lucck,andd Pleasee Try To Relax.

Also I Lovee How There Only Picking On You Because Of TokioHoteel. And What Really makes Me Mad Is That Out Of The 200 TokioHotel Family member There Pickinggg on you!

Your Likeee One Of The Niceesssst One's! Alsoo i Just Realized They Said "Your Little TokioHotel Family" So There Basically Threatininggg me to. Soo i Shaall Take That As A Bigg Deall To.>:I

POLL: well seems like i just did :| Whaat i just told you too do is what i would do.
2009-11-28 09:41:47 UTC
Meh. They can't really do anything to you.

i'm not trying to be unsensitive or anything ; i know tht would scare me too.. but really, they can't do anything. :p

But tht is really, really freaky.. i don't understand why anyone would do that!

You should post a link to their profile so we can all report them!! :D


How the freak do thet know who you talk to?! Now, tht is really, really creepy!! o.O

You should definitely change your password!

Poll -;- i've never even gotten a single hater message(: Maybe because i don't ask tht many questions. But if i did ; i'd just tell them to f-ck off & leave me & the rest of the TH Family alone! (i'd also probably say something like, "you have no life you stupid hater!xD")

edit -;- Like Deiluvr xTH4lifex said ; if you need some help dealing with them, just message me the link to their profile & i'll tell them off ; i tend to be good at that(: + i gotta stick up for my Tokio Hotel famm.xD


2009-11-28 06:24:54 UTC
They're just losers who are jealous that we talk about something we like, while they're bored to death. The person CLEARLY has isssues. He/she can't do anything to us because our questions are proper questions and if he reports them we can always ask to put them up again. AND, he/she doesn't even know where we live so they can fantasize about beating us but it will never happen. :D

Don't's just some loser who's momy probably scowled at him so he wants his revenge on us. It's stupid, I don't see how this affects anyone. Major OCD much?

Poll: Yup! I got a similar email like a week ago...i'll look for it in my inbox and then i'll edit. :p

I didn't really care... I replied saying: bite me b . i . t . c . h :p

edit: I'm warning you..this person [if it's the same as you], swears alot and seems kinda sadistic lol! :O

Message:Strawberry Smoothie♥Bill K: I hate you and your little “family” of Tokio Hotel freaks. You are all **** suckers and you are wasting your time on transsexuals. The lead singer looks like a drag queen and they are all ******* queer. What kind of name is Strawberry Smoothie♥Bill K,Tokio Hotel anyways? Are you stupid? Make your mind up of what you like you idiot. Who do you think you are? You bitches try to pollute Y!A with your stupid questions. Do you even have a damn life? Do you have to analyze everything they do? You are all probably 10 year old girls who are fat and ugly with no boyfriends. Keep dreaming about your **** band and you will die soon. You will probably have a stroke from eating too much food. If you don’t die from that I’m going to hunt you down and chop you into pieces while you sing your gay Tokio Hotel songs. You better consider yourselves warned. What the hell are you…the mommy or daddy of the family? Do you need to update all the stupid girls with news through your dumb questions? Well let your stupid Tokio Hotel family know that they should be careful. I will do what it takes to hunt you down. BE WARNED. You bitches deserve to be removed from the planet.

edit: WHAT, I'M NEXT? :O

Watch the person send me a msg, they will be sorry for it. :p

edit: i didnt mean to offend anyone with the ocd thing by the way lol
2009-11-28 11:18:19 UTC
i'm so sorry this is happening to you...if this was serious the person would message this to every person in the tokio hotel family,which they are scared to do because they know that we stick together no matter what and we would put a stop to this this person is such a coward... its nothing to worry about although the strikes thing is pretty freaky but they're just trying to scare could they possibly know where any of us live let alone actually go to where every single one of us lives and "beat us unconscious?" we all live in different countries and i doubt any of us put our personal info out there like that... there is no way that would be possible

this is just some limp d*ck f*ckup who doesn't have a life and is deep down very jealous of tokio hotel but he just doesn't want to admit it

if this scheissekopf wants to send you anymore hate emails we'll deal with him...he wont know what he got himself into

[♥Cathy Lovee♥]丰
2009-11-28 09:46:22 UTC
Ummmmh whoa , is this person stupid or mentally challenged? First of all,who the hell does he think he is to talk crap on us and the band? Don't worry when people say they will hunt you down and kill you means they are just pissed and since they can't do anything across the Internet all the can is scare you. Don't be! Let's ask even more th questions than usual and see why he can do about it, that pathetic loser. I bet he's one of those nerdy no lifer retards that sttill live at home with their mamas. I mean , who tries to threaten people here who ask a couple of questions? If I met him I'd seriously wanna beat him up. Wow. This makes me so mad,don't let him get to you:)

And also @ me...... It's because you ask the most questions on them so that's why he noticed you:)

EDIT: i just got another message-_- omg...

please read
Autumn K [<3 TH]
2009-11-28 03:49:36 UTC
omg...omg. Thats so awful. How could someone be hating on us so much?? Did you know this person at all or is this just some random? Because since they notice that you are one of the main posters here and they know your like 15... its like they sort of know you? I dont know... this is really terrible. I'll edit back later and think about this.

EDIT: OK Kayla, i think you should just calm down about this and ignore them. To me, it sounds just like a person who really has no life and finds it fun to freak out people. This person cant hurt you or anyone else in the TH family... they are just online and have no personal details about any of us. (Unless you or any of us have posted details on our profile page, and im pretty sure no one has done that)

But yeah... I just read over it again and it does sound very malicious and full of hate.. like thats really weird. I think this person is just out to scare you or they actually have some anger/mental issues... like seriously.

Its also kinda concerning me that they said they were going to start reporting your questions.. because that would suck balls so much..

I think if you get any more messages you need to just ignore them and report them, I think is the best thing. Just be careful around here for the next week or so... dont let out any personal details or even when your answering questions dont give information that could lead them to you.

So dont'll be ok. *hugs* Your an awesome person and this freak who is messaging you is severely deluded. Just stay safe :)
2009-11-28 13:57:52 UTC
Uh I know I'm a new member but your a REALLY nice person but it seems like alot of the original members but this pisses me off.Alot.

Don't be freaked out. He can't do anything he can't report for just any reason so don't worry and as far as the empty threats go he's an idiot. He can't hurt you he's pathetic block him and forget about his excistence..

It's not nice at all and I'm sorry. :(

Poll: No but I've been hurassed at school and a guy told me that I had no reason to live because I like TH...
Courtney loves Bill K.
2009-11-30 18:21:49 UTC
O.o wtf? she's just mad cuz she's not part of the group lmao XD

but there's no reason to get scared or upset, like really, what's she gonna do O.o

i hope that nothing happens when she reports us cuz we're not breaking any rules or codes or whatever. but honestly SHE'S committing the BIGGER crime by sending hate mail and stuff to you and others, you can go to jail for stuff like that. just report her butt BACK and tell about all those NASTY emails. Only NASTY girls/boys write NASTY email lmao XD

i don't care if i get that message from some P*SSY sitting behind a computer! if i KNEW where THEY LIVED i'd F*CK THEM UP! lmao XD

just report his A$$, this is free country (well here in the us at least lol) so we TALK and POST about whatever the HELL WE WANT!

tell that JERK that I SAID to SUCK ON IT! lmao XD
Supersonic Jocy
2009-11-28 10:47:41 UTC
Don't be scared.

Tell me the user name of that motherf*cking son of a b*tch.

I'll deal with him.

You ask the most questions so that's why.

I don't like it when they mess with my family ...

or my favorite band so gimme his username ...

i don't give a f*ck who it is... if is one of my friends from Y!A

then I'll still tell them sh*t .. I know you guys longer

and you guys matter more to me <3

Poll: Never! I guess everyone is scared of me

Edit: he really said he was gonna send a email to all of us?

If you didn't delete this question? Don't Delete it.

I wanna see that b*tch do something about it. I want that so

bad so please don't delete it...

Edit2: I agree with what Cathy said:

"Let's ask even more th questions than usual and see why he

can do about it, that pathetic loser."

@[[[Bill is my Liebe]]] :

no offense but are you giving up?

are you being a p*ssy to a bunch of f*gs??

oh god... i will not give up and i will keep

asking TH questions!!! I don't know if

anyone else agrees but if you think they

are really serious and seem like they are the

ones not to mess with... I WILL mess with them

because Im not gonna show them fear or

whatsoever because im NOT!!
2009-11-28 13:56:40 UTC
aww... *hugs*

idk... some people really need to see a psychiatrist...

Mad love For Tokio Hotel is right, we should all sorta alert each other about these maniacs, they really dont have the power to hurt either you or members of TH like they threaten to. And block him/shim/her NOW, at least you cant see their gay traces...

*another hug* Dont worry, we all love you, and wont allow anything to happen to you...

im starting to wonder whether bills car crash a while ago was planned...
` piaaaaROAR -iLOVEYOU<3
2009-11-28 04:08:35 UTC
*this isn't the right time for my random happy greating*

what a sicko. You should report that message and I hope that person gets turned into the police! Don't be scared because he's only threating you to get what he wants.

Who is this person..?


btw; were always here and if someone from the familys in trouble we will have to saut it out!
丰 αυτøṃατïṡсh
2009-11-28 13:27:30 UTC
I'll just copy/paste my answer (cuz there was that other question about this)


Oh. My. God.

WHAT A F*CKING CRAZY!!!! I can't believe this!

Don't be scared though. Be angry. This is ridiculous! I think we should all post DOUBLE the question that we usually post.



(and come on no one is getting NEAR Bill, so don't worry about him)

(((Though I have to admit this freaked me out when I was reading it. What a fr1ggin PSYCHO!!!)))
2009-11-28 15:40:02 UTC

this makes me laugh!

nothing's gonna stop us from asking tokio hotel questions.

and as long as we don't give out any personal info, they can't do anything to us.

i'm actually pretty calm about all this shiit. O.o

i say we should all make backup accounts just in case :D

those gay-a$$ people have no life.
2009-11-28 13:12:17 UTC
dont be scared,im sure the person is only saying all of that to make you scared over nothin they just need something to do,you should block them and then that way they have no way of knowing when or if you asked a question,you should also report him as well.
丰οαχαգսєռα♥ hea
2009-12-01 15:16:45 UTC
WDF im tired of dis ***** ii know he cant do **** and he's just jealous that tokio hotel is awesome and his not and if he's so tough then why does he have to send emails and do the crap he wants too.
2009-11-28 12:19:41 UTC
Whats the screen name of this dishrag? So that way we can ALL block them!!!! This is some big S H I T, this guy must really love guys and is so scared of people knowing that he's covering it up my slamming and threatening those who love/like/or are hot, and they can't stand it!!
2009-11-29 10:30:24 UTC
Omg! o.0....don't be scared..he's just trying to scare you..don't beileve anything he says.Like he really can hurt you he doesn't even where you live or all of us.He's just a low life loser wasting time if he doesn't like TH then he shouldn't be wasting his life saying hateful things to you,to us and on our questions.
Paige(Tokio Hotel <3)
2009-11-28 14:07:41 UTC
hahah im sorry Me....but this guy is retarded as ****

ohhhhh i am so scared

like i said before **** off u and stop tryin to act tough .....get a life, ignore him

dont freak out thats what he wants u to do

just stay strong


poll: not yet
christine :D
2009-11-29 15:58:53 UTC
oh gosh. thats creepy, but dont let these threats get to you cuz they dont even know you. and so what if he sends messages to the rest of us? he doesnt know us either! and we can report him/her. thats really stalkerish of the person to know exactly who you message... just ignore the person. they cant do anything to you :) youve got tokio hotel family by your sidee♥
2009-11-28 14:42:18 UTC
Don't worry...this person won't even know how to find you unless you tell them....they are just some crazy psycho freak who needs to be reported by all of us...i think we should all do it, just report him or her...they are just jealous that we're giving all this attention to them!
2009-11-28 12:15:34 UTC
Any threats aren't right. You should start a whole big thing about it. Report them. Make a Video warning people. These people aren't right. I apologize for them. I'm Sorry :D
- ιитєиsє - ℓσνє ѕιcк cяιмιиαℓ.
2009-11-28 08:00:29 UTC
That's seriously just stupid and the person has no control over us at all. people like that just want attention and have no lives. don't let them control yours& don't be scared! The person can't hurt NOBODY! they're just trying to act all big and tough -_-

+ BLOCK THAT PERSON! I don't want anything happening to you =X

that person can NEVER take us all apart 'cause we stick together no matter what! <3

and can you give me the link to the person's profile? [:

ohhhhh! & that person must be the person that keeps TDing all of our answers >:[
2009-11-28 09:02:24 UTC
OMG!!!What's wrong with that dude?WTF,I don't want anything to happen to you...I got feelings for Tokio Hotel Family ya know...

This is probably some jerk who wants to ruin THF,don't drop out!

Do you know that person in Y!A? then report him/her.

If not,I would sugest you to change your e-mail and Y!A acount,for your own safety.


Mariah (:
2009-11-28 15:17:22 UTC
oh hun i feel so bad... these fags are just messing with you... don't let them get to you... if u need someone to talk to... i'm here :)

he's obviously some fat guy with anger issues...

ppff let them send me a message if they dare... they'll be sorry if they mess with me..

just don't give up on TH cuz these guys are scaring you... that's what they want...
Lady Lestrange
2009-11-28 06:38:57 UTC

What's wrong with that person? We are here not to hurt anybody, how come she/he hates us so much? This site is for fun, i mean, who the hell is he/she to tell us something like that? Ignore her/him, i suggest you. He/she can't hurt you.Well i hope not. I really have no idea what should you do though :(

I'm speechless. I hope she/he won't do something bad to you and all of us..
丰Die Wunde Bliebt Fur Immer丰
2009-11-28 14:07:06 UTC

Kayla, dont take this seriously. This person just has mental problems and needs a life. just tell that person to **** off ok. im a little scared too. that letter is messed up. block that person and tell us who it is so we can ALL block that person. your perfect world.
2009-11-28 10:34:08 UTC


i better not.

just do not really worry report her/him or ignore him/her like you said.

i will help you out all i can just send me messages and i will talk to you.
2009-12-01 20:16:46 UTC
Dont take it seriously its just some loser who wants to scare you
2009-11-28 15:36:46 UTC
Stupid lifeless hater.

Just block them.
2009-11-28 13:43:00 UTC
I always get those....

You know what I do?

I nice talk them! haha!

its funny b/c theyre gonna think "wtf? he/she was supposed to be mad!" lol


I am haveing a sneeze attack =P

ok, well...your best thign to do would be to block him/her and report him/her to Y!A telling them that he/she is sending threatenging emails as that is illegal (idk how to spell but I am pretty sure it is illegal) stop replying to them too, reply to a couple and delete the rest! :D

You're ok! He/she can do nothing to you unless you message that person and they know you......(woooah!) but they cant do much to you.Worst they can do is probably get your Y!A account suspended...but you're safe!
♥♫♪Through the Monsoon♥♫♪
2009-11-28 13:10:36 UTC
that person is really stupid and immature! ignoring them is a good idea
, [[[Bill is my Liebe]]]~
2009-11-28 11:56:52 UTC
guys....we should stop this thing for a while, they seemed pretty pissed off and not like the sane people you want to mess with. o_o

I cant believe people would be like this.....

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.