list of 100 things for summer!!!!!!?
2008-05-14 14:08:39 UTC
help on list of fun things to do over summer!!!!!!?
hey guys me and my friends are trying to write a list of 100 things to do over the summer just for fun

were lateish teens so some are gonna be alittle imature lol

ideas from what we've already got

a mixture fo challenges to do between friends and just fun things to do like camping or a concert of some sort:

Dine and Dash.
Challenge of who can stay awake the longest
All you can eat buffet challenge
Jackass day
Crash a wedding/ party
Try and do as much possiable in a day for free - obviously wont be sitting on our bums though
27 answers:
2008-05-14 14:15:39 UTC
Oh wow ~ sounds like you guys are going to have a blast! Here are some ideas I came up with real qiuck....

* A murder mystery party (either make your own up, or find an organized one to attend)

* Have your own "Apprentice" competitions (like lemonade stands on different streets to see who makes the most $$$)

* Random Act Of Kindness Day (do as many good deeds, keep track, maybe make it competitive).... (hey, ya gotta fix your karma after a 'Dine & Dash! LOL)

* Themed Movie Marathons (all 80s, all horror, all cartoons.... dress accordingly!)

Wish I had time to come up with more.... Have an awesome time! =)
2008-05-14 14:12:50 UTC
Who can drink the most coffee


Kiss a boy

Walk to another city

Make friends with a hobo

Go swimming with a hobo

Be a hobo for a day


Starring Contest

Rate People Day

Stay at the mall for a day

Sleep in a truck

....Yeah I'm all out of them.

Just remember, DON'T GET ARRESTED!
2008-05-14 14:12:40 UTC
eat something large that isnt supposed to be eaten
2008-05-14 14:12:56 UTC
Try to go a day without thinking about penguins. (its hard if its ur goal)

Go swimming in the mini-golf lake

Skinny dip
2008-05-14 14:12:56 UTC
Go festival hopping.

Just go to different music or film festivals.

Go to some concerts.

Play pool.

Go downtown.

Go to a carnival.

Play a joke on someone - a BIG joke.
2008-05-14 14:12:50 UTC
Go to the drive in! Summer is a fabulous time to go, especially if someone has a truck. You can all sit in the bed of the truck outdoors and watch the movie! Super fun and drives in are cheap. Also, if you have something like a lake or a river or something, that would be fun. There's a river near where I live where people go tubing. Where do you live? There's a lot of things you can or can't do depending on the region.
Julie-Anna H
2008-05-14 14:12:43 UTC
Go kayaking, rock climbing, etc. =]
2008-05-14 14:12:42 UTC

who can go the longest without sayin a particular word

2008-05-14 14:12:15 UTC
2008-05-14 14:12:01 UTC
Who can do the most jump ropes.
2008-05-14 14:17:47 UTC
read your own palm

take a hike

break a world record

learn to sew


make a movie

join a charity race

take a trapeze class

throw a surprise party

learn to cook

sign up for a class to paint nudes

make your own ice cream flavor

buy hot sauce and see who can handle the hottest

go up in a hot air balloon

have an air guitar competition

body art

go on a road trip

your own fear factor

2008-05-14 14:15:13 UTC
my friend and i do these things thoughout the summer, so maybe these ideas will spark a few more (:

Spend one whole night out under the stars

Cook breakfast in an outdoor fire

Swim with all your clothes on

Pack a picnic and eat it in a canoe

Ride a bike off a dock right into the lake

Make and send out a message in a bottle

Tie-Dye shirts - Free Auctions!
2008-05-14 14:27:37 UTC
depends on age group

u need something new, something fun, something meaningful for ur life or something u do for no reason?

set ur goal then dig deep!

here is my boring life:

1.) sing karaoke

2.) create web page for my online game's guild mate

3.) go to seminar, to learn more useful thing

4.) search for ways to make money, then discuss with my friend

5.) go visit my out of state investment in the summer cos it's ususally cold there

6.) call up old friends n setup something fun together

7.)set something thru facebook (slap some1 on the face)

8.) shoot pool and play poker

9.) learn how to make $$ online - setup affliate site to money with google (not for everyone)

10.) go fish with ur mom... so u guys can talk

11.) buy a gas tank to save up some gas for the future

12.) fix ur leaking house, change ur light buld to engergy saving type.

13.) take ur do to a new park

14.) practice yoga with some1 u like

15.) join gym & use their free trail

16.) test drive cars

17.) see/visit some houses - just looking

18.) trim/shave ur dog & urself

19.) start/organize a yardsale then use the $$ for movie

20.) ask for $$ from ur fds to sponsor ur weird idea

21.) oh.. did I forget to say.. list ur stuff on it's free


I can keep going & going.. there are lots of things u can do when don't have a goal... once u know what u want + need.. u should stick with it and... blah blah blah
Republican Chick
2008-05-14 14:14:22 UTC
Spend a whole day downtown - start with breakfast, then go shopping, maybe grab a smoothie/lunch, try a museum, and end it with a play/sporting event.

Go ice blocking - buy blocks of ice from a grocery store, put a towel on top, and slide down a wet, grassy hill. You WILL fall. :D

Build something really tall out of toothpicks.

Make popsicles.
2008-05-14 14:14:04 UTC
cool idea. sounds like fun, just dump the dine and dash. i have always thought of doing that but it's illegal, dont risk ur record by doing something stupid and illegal like that. i think it would be fun to have a scavenger hunt for some crazy stuff.
miss california
2008-05-14 14:19:38 UTC
im a teenager and i like the thing about staying up the latest but on non skool nites me and my friends stay up till 5 am anyway so it wouldnt work fer us

uhhh u could try 2 steal a koala from the zoo!

my friend almost did that once lol

er u can have a party in costco thats wut i do

but only cuz a HOTT guy works there

2008-05-14 14:15:30 UTC


makeover girl to boy boy to girl

pretend ur on americas next top model


take pics of u guys as diff common high school sterotypes

have a fashion show ( i know it sounds kidy but its wayway fun!)

see who can shove the most marshmellos in their mouth

have a movie marathon (ex John Tucker Must Die, Peral Harbor, She's all that, Mean Girls, Never Been Kissed,13 going on to 30)

hope i could help!!!!!!

have fun!
2008-05-14 14:13:25 UTC
Who can drink the most milk! That was so funny on jackass. Or who can eat the marshmallows like on malcolm in the middle....i'm in my twenties and i still find that stuff fun.haha.its good to stay young, stops you from growing a stick up your **** like alot of adults do!
2008-05-14 14:22:05 UTC
choclate eating contest

who can eat the most food with their face-no hands

skinny dipping



people watching

posing in store windows as mannequins

dancing naked in the rain

puddle jumping

gross food eating contest

stealing peoples shoes, tieing the laces, and thowing them on telephone pole wires

stay in a hotel with all your friends and play jokes on everyone in the hotel all night

summer at home olympics

wearing wigs out in public and pretending you are other people (can go VIP style with limos)
2008-05-14 14:33:06 UTC
-plan to break some guinness book world records

-play tennis, miniature golf, or ping pong

-go boating, bowling, or fishing

-Watch old movies (like It's A Wonderful Life)

-make your own pizza from scratch, starting with yeast, water, and flour

-make a movie

-go to Mass
2008-05-14 14:13:36 UTC
you forgot:

free for all football day

kick hobo's carboard box home over day

light poo in a paper bag and ring the doorbell on someone porch and then they try to put it out by kicking it, but they get their shoes all dirty its especially cool if they dont wear shoes day
2008-05-14 14:13:43 UTC
First, what is busking?

Second, I'm 23 and think those things still sound ***** fun.

Third, Add this to your list: Cowtipping or paintball javelinas.
Skars Remain
2008-05-14 14:16:47 UTC
apaapa, there's 104 days in summer vacation! oh & 2 answer ur question try taking lessons on how 2 sing Sreemo!
2008-05-14 14:13:01 UTC
go to concerts

have a carwash

volunteer at a local homeless shelter for a day

see how many people you can make smile

go to the beach
2008-05-14 14:14:25 UTC
streak, it causes some memories lol,

umm, busking is a good one,

organize a charity event? I dunno, it give something back to the community.


try to get as many photos with people you don't know just by asking day?
2008-05-14 14:12:03 UTC
too bad there arent 100 days in summer. youll be pretty busy.
2008-05-14 14:14:50 UTC
1.Visit our website.

I will be adding new things all summer.

2. Put the names of all of the states in alphabetical order.

3. Make up a poem and send it to Mrs. Schmidt by e-mail.

4. Make something in the kitchen involving the use of measuring cups.

5. Go outside for a nature hike. Look for different plants and animals. Make a list of the things you see.

6. Write a letter to a friend or relative.

7. Find an object in your house or outside that begins with each letter of the alphabet.

8. Write 5 sentences underline the verbs.

9. Look in the newspaper for 10 words you do not know. Look them up in the dictionary.

10. Make a timeline of your life. Try to include all of the important events that you can remember.

11. Go to the library. Find a book written by an author you have never read before. Read the book.

12. Send a book review to Mrs. Schmidt.

13. Use the letters in your first and last name to write as many words as you can.

14. Find a picture in a magazine. Write a story about the picture.

15. Look in the newspaper and find 20 numbers. Order them from greatest to smallest.

16. Look outside your window. Use crayons, markers or colored pencils to make a picture of the view from your window.

17. Find a picture of our state flag. Draw and color it.

18. Count by fives starting with 1000 and ending at 1200.

19. Make signs for your room. Examples: Do Not Disturb, Katie's Room, The Coolest Kid Sleeps Here, etc...

20. Draw a picture of your favorite animal. Look up 4 interesting facts about your animal.

21. Look in the phone book find 4 places that deliver pizza. Write down their phone numbers.

22. Go on a nature hike. Collect things and put them in a picture.

23. Pretend you are an ant. Write a short story about what it would be like to be one.

24. Imagine you are going on a shopping spree. Cut out 5 items you would like to buy. Add them up.

25. Cut out words from the newspaper that have short vowel sounds. Sort them into categories and then put them in ABC order.

26. Use the letters in the words SUMMER VACATION to write as many words as you can.

27. Practice writing the alphabet in cursive.

28. Draw a picture of your family. Label it.

29. Go onto the internet and go to this site

Read some bird jokes. Pick out your favorite 2 and share them with a friend.

30. Write a riddle. Draw a picture of the answer.

31. Log onto Learn how to make a crossword puzzle. Use words that would describe your summer vacation.

32. Ask Mom or Dad for a handful of change. Look at the dates of the pennies. Write the dates in order starting at the earliest date.

33.Cut out an article in the newspaper. Circle all of the nouns.

34. Look through the change your Mom or Dad has at home. Can you find coins that were minted the year you were born?

35. Cut out pictures from a magazine. Paste them on paper. Write the name of each object under each picture.

36. Plant some seeds outdoors or help take care of indoor plants.

37. Imagine you have a penguin as a pet. Write a story about it.

38. Check out a book on origami. Try to make some of the animals in the book.

39. Make puppets and put on a puppet show. Paper bags or old socks work great for puppets.

40. Play a board game with a friend.

41. Make a list of everything that you can find that is blue.

42. Log onto our website.

Find a new math game to play.

43. Imagine you are going on a vacation to an exotic island. Write a story about your adventure. Send it to me and I will post it on our website.

44. Cut out pictures of things you like from magazines -- and then make a collage about yourself.

45. Write any ten numbers between 1 to 1000. Cut them out and mix them up. Arrange them again from smallest to largest. You could also sort them according to whether they are even or odd numbers.

46. Cut out the box from an old cereal box or the picture from an old calendar. Cut it into puzzle pieces and then put it back together.

47. Make a greeting card for a friend.

48. Write a story about your favorite holiday.

49. Put different amounts of water in glasses. Try to play a song by lightly tapping the glasses. You will have to experiment to see which ones will give you high and low sounds.

50. What would you do if you lived during the time of dinosaurs? Write a story about it.

51.Cut out numbers from the newspaper. Sort them into odd and even and paste them onto a sheet of construction paper.

52. Create a lunch menu.

53. Write a letter to your favorite author. See if you can find their address and mail it to him or her.

54. Look at a map. Find Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Michigan, Iowa, and Ohio.

55. Make a set of flash cards to practice your subtraction facts.

56. Look in your skinny math book. Find a page that is undone. Try to complete it.

57. Write 5 sentences about clouds. Underline the adjectives.

58. Make a card for someone you haven't seen in awhile. Try to find their address and mail it to them.

59. Cut out magazine pictures of mammals. Make a book. Write a describing sentence about each picture.

60. Read a joke book. Share your favorites with your family.

61. Go outside and find 3 different kinds of trees. How are they alike and different?

62. Write numbers from 501-600. Circle the even numbers.

63. Measure 3 pieces of furniture in your house. Which piece is the longest? Which piece is the widest?

64. Find objects around your home that begin with the sound of TH. Draw a picture of each of them or write a list of their names. (thread, thermos etc.)

65. Find a poem, copy it using your best cursive. Illustrate it.

66. Write incredible equations for the number 55.

67. Think of your favorite animal. Write down 5 things you would like to find out about that animal. Use Yahooligans or Ask Jeeves for Kids to search for the answers to your questions.

68. Write three sentences. Make them end with 1) !, 2) . and 3) ?. Read them to someone.

69. Make up some word problems and read them to someone. Make sure you know the answers to the problems, too.

70. Make a list of all of the states and their capitals.

71. Play a game on www.FunBrain. com

72. How many states can you spell correctly?

73. Look through family pictures. Choose your favorite and write a story about it.

74. Begin a diary. Each night write down 3 good things that happened each day.

75. Write Roman Numerals for the numbers 1 through 20.

76. Make a list of everything you see that is the color red.

77. Create an ad for your favorite movie.

78. Make a list of as many compound words that you can think of.

79. Learn how to play dominos.

80. Write all the number facts that you can think of that will have 70 for an answer.

81. Write 10 describing words about your family car.

82. Draw your self-portrait.

83. Write about the funniest thing that has ever happened to you.

84. Write a poem about summer fun.

85. Cut out food pictures from magazines. Make 4 category cards -- Dairy Products, Meat, Fruit and Vegetable and Bread and Cereal. Arrange the pictures under the correct category.

86. Find out what the temperature is today in Hawaii, Alaska, California and NJ . Arrange the temperatures from smallest to largest.

87. Write all the number facts that you can think of that will have 46 for an answer.

88. Play Follow the Directions game. Have someone tell you three directions and see if you can do them correctly and in the right order.

Example: Clap your hands 5 times. Go look out the window. Write your name on a piece of paper.

89. Count out loud from 600 to 700.

90. Learn how to play a new game.

91. Try to bounce a ball 100 times without missing.

92. List 3 of your favorite summer flowers. Draw a color a picture with all 3 flowers in it.

93. Find objects around your home that begin with CH. Draw a picture of them or make a list of them and then use each word in a sentence.

94. Find a page in your grammar book that is not completed. See if you can complete it.

95. Go on a nature walk. Find 5 -10 objects. Write describing sentences. Have someone read your sentences and then see if they can pick out what you are describing.

96. Keep track of the different license plates you see. Can you find one from each state?

97. Get a piece of paper and fold it into 8 equal squares. Draw a picture in each square.

98. Ask Mom or Dad to give you some change. See if you can count it.

99. Write to Mrs. Schmidt and tell her what activities you did off of this summer ideas list. She will be happy to hear from you.

100. See a movie and write a review of it.


1. Build fairy houses in the backyard.

2. Start a nature scrapbook.

3. Canstruction.

4. Play chalk games. or draw pictures with chalk on the sidewalk.

5. Make mud pies and have a tea party.

6. Have a real tea party with some friends and tell stories.

7. Play with rice.

8. Make a yummy salad and eat it.

9. Paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling.

10. Work a jigsaw puzzle.

11. Copy a famous pai

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.